Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baby Moon

Shawn and I went on a "Baby Moon" this past weekend. It's the latest thing for expecting parents. You get away together one last time before the baby comes. We went to Fredericksburg and stayed at a B & B. Then Shawn went on a solo venture. I followed him out to Krause Springs and had dinner by the camp fire with him. Then he stayed out there for two nights by himself! He came back regenerated and ready to be a father. :) It was also simply a nice get away for him from the stresses of his job. He's refreshed and ready to join the world again.

All righty folks, here I am at 35 weeks. As I type this I'm actually at 36 weeks. Technically, 4 weeks to go. Getting to forget how life is without a belly and something constantly rolling around in there. Sleeping is becoming harder and I'm getting a shooting pain at my pubic bone sometimes. It's all normal though. All part of the fun.  We are getting really excited and eager to meet our little girl. We toured the hospital tonight. Out of about 9 couples, only 2 of us are planning to have a natural childbirth. Well, here's hopin' I don't get too much bigger.

34 weeks

No belly picture here, just a sonogram at 34 weeks. My belly was actually measuring 2 cm smaller than normal, so just to be safe our dr. had us get an ultrasound. The baby is fine, she's weighing in right where she should be, so it's all good. In this image she is lying sideways. You can see where they labeled her eyes and chin. It looks like she has chubby cheeks and her eyes are closed, sleeping peacefully.The sonographer (is that a word?) told Shawn she looked like him. He was like "oh yeah, it's just like looking in a mirror. " Ha ha.

33 weeks

Shawn and I went to Fort Worth for a wedding and stayed with Shei (his sister) and her family. The boys, our nephews, were sweet enough to take a photo with their aunt and little cousin.  Crazy how much bigger I look in one picture, compared to the other. Whew! Shawn's looking pretty smooth though. ;)